Directing and Film Making
Sensosis VR experience Sensosis is an immersive Virtual Reality experience inspired by the work of science fiction author Stanislaw Lem. This project has been supported by the British Arts Council and is currently in the development phase. The project aims to bring the liveliness of interaction between audience and performer through Virtual Reality medium. To learn more about it go to: www.sensosis.co.uk/ Eve short short film Synopsis Eve is moving house. As her boyfriend helps her move every item she has ever owned she realises that leaving family home is more difficult than she expected. Eve Link High Flats documentary screened at Center for Contemporary Arts Synopsis High Flats is a short documentary portraying life in high rise flats and is based on personal stories of their tenants. It presents their views on living in high rise estates and in the contemporary Glasgow. By bringing the metaphore of the Biblic tower of Babel where people began to speak in different languages and permanently lost their initial cohesion, tenants of high rise flats were asked whether it was possible for people of different cultures to co-exist together. High Flats trailer Ensemble Member of Blood Water Theatre Anna is a member Blood Water Theatre which was formed in order to challenge commercial approach to theatre making and to experiment with devising. Group experiments with roles of director and performer, giving opportunity to collective creative process. Group's first performance "Whose story is it anyway" was staged at Tron Theatre. The group's most recent performance "Leave your shoes at the door" was performed at Centre for Contemporary Arts. Anna performed role of Monica and also directed a short film which was a part of the performance. Film was based on a scene from Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare. Blood Water link Assistant Director at Play and a Pint, Oran Mor Productions supported: Bunnies by Kieren Lynn and directed by Nicola McCartney; Top Table by Rob Drummond and directed by David Overend. |